Flying Downhill 2005
Bode Miller: The Early Years
1h 23m
Call him anything you want - just don’t underestimate him. People have been doing that all his life. America’s greatest
skier, Bode Miller, doesn’t care what you think. He’s going to win ski races because he’s not afraid to lose. Some say he’s too wild and risks too much too often, but behind his poker face the tactics, calculation, and strategy are there . . . they just aren’t what the “authorities” think they should be. Bode has
his own program….always has….heck, Bode IS his own program.
From his first steps on the international stage to winning his country’s first World Cup Overall title in 22 years, Bode has granted unprecedented access to filmmaker Bill Rogers, and Flying Downhill takes you along for the ride. Rattling down ice-hardened slopes in the Alps at 80 M.P.H. and catching Bode in the unguarded, quiet moments where he tries to dissect his own life, Flying Downhill provides an unforgettable glimpse into the soul of a new American hero.